
Catalogue export method.

Input is a multidimensional array (struct) of tns:productsFlatRequest, which is a complex structure best described in WSDL. There are many (to be honest, almost the whole request) optional fields in this structure, so read the WSDL comments carefully.

Output is a flat multidimensional array (struct) of tns:productsFlat, which contains unsorted product part numbers and other product attributes such as name, group id, vendor token and so.

Optional input fields

element description default
groupsarray of group (not parent/root) identification xsd:nonNegativeIntegers, which narrows the requestall
vendorsarray of vendor identification xsd:tokens, which narrows the requestall
keywordsarray of keyword identification xsd:nonNegativeIntegers, which narrows the requestall
_groupsflag activating group identification xsd:nonNegativeIntegers export for each productfalse
_kwsflag activating keyword identification xsd:nonNegativeIntegers export for each product (if available, because not all product must have a linked keyword)false
_vendorsflag activating vendor identification xsd:tokens export for each productfalse
_namesflag activating product names exportfalse
_pricesflag activating prices export with each product (if it's too slow, client should use getWarehouseStatus instead of using this flag)false
_vatsflag activating export of value added tax percentages with each productfalse
_textsflag activating export of additional texts with each product (if available)false
_imgsflag activating export of additional image URIs (or filenames) with each product (if available)false
_pidsflag activating export of product idfalse
_warrantiesflag activating export of warranty identification xsd:nonNegativeIntegers with each product (if available)false
langlanguage of output (see ISO 639 for details)cs

Client Behaviour

Client should request at worst 5 000 products (eg. one vendor or one group).

Client may submit only limited number of identical requests in a timeframe given by a contract.

Fault codes

Method returns SOAP fault (according to SOAP Version 1.2, section 2.3 Fault Scenarios) on failure or when no data found for client request. Database error may be returned with specific error prefix, when database is not ready or something unwanted happens.

Code Actor String Detail
any negativeSERVERUnhandled exception.possibly anything
1SERVICERequested vendor not found.selected vendor
2SERVICEEmpty response, no data to feed back.query CRC
3SERVICEResponse dataset too large, stopped.query CRC
1CLIENTMalformed request, language not available.selected language
2CLIENTMalformed request, invalid group identification.selected group
3CLIENTMalformed request, invalid keyword identification.selected keyword
4CLIENTMalformed request, invalid vendor identification token.selected vendor
5CLIENTMalformed request. 
ORA-[0-9]{1-5}DATABASEDatabase subsystem error.database error message


SOAP client must be capable of basic HTTP authentication to use this method.

Example request

POST /index.php HTTP/1.0
User-Agent:ClTest/1.0.0 (0.99)
Content-Type:text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date:Thu, 12 Jul 2007 06:59:13 GMT
X-SOAP-Server:NuSOAP/0.6.8 (1.76)
Content-Type:text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Known bugs

SOAP fault is returned in ISO-8859-1 encoding, except of server header UTF-8 charset declaration.